Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 1: in28words

When I gave it all up,

He held my hand,

Held me close,

Told me to hold on,

Told me he loved me,

Told me “never give up.”

Restricting myself

I tend to talk a little too much...well all the time... when it comes to writing well....its one flood wave after another... so I am renaming this blog to "in28words". This also just might make it easier for me to continually update the blog :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rat Race!!!

Oh how it feels to leave each morning to the demonic realm that holds my paycheck hostage..... the slavery of habit...

Monday, August 9, 2010

some fun :)

I stole this idea from a fellow blogger. Thought it was fun! Feel free to comment. I've done the ones in bold: (not allowed to judge me!)

Bought everyone in the bar a drink
Swam with wild dolphin
Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
Been inside a Pyramid
Held a tarantula
Taken a candle lit bath
Said I love you and meant it
Hugged a Tree
Bungee jumped
Visited Paris
Watched a lightening storm at sea
Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
Seen the Northern Lights
Gone to a huge sports game
Walked the stairs to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Grown and eaten your own vegetables
Touched an iceberg
Slept under the stars
Changed a baby’s diaper
Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
Watched a meteor shower
Gotten drunk on champagne
Given more than you can afford to charity
Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
Had a food fight
Bet on a winning horse
Asked out a stranger - my husband now!
Had a snowball fight
Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
Held a lamb
Seen a total eclipse
Ridden a rollercoaster
Hit a home run
Danced like a fool, not caring who watched
Adopted an accent for an entire day
Actually felt happy about life, even for a moment
Had two hard drives for your computer
Visited all 50 states
Taken care of someone who was too drunk
Had amazing Friends
Danced with a Stranger in a foreign country
Watched wild whales
Stolen a sign
Hitchhiked in Europe
Taken a road-trip
Gone rock climbing
Midnight walk on the beach
Gone sky diving
Visited Ireland
Been heartbroken longer than you were in love
In a restaurant sat at a stranger’s table and ate with them
Visited Japan
Milked a cow
Alphabetized your CDs
Pretended to be a superhero
Sung karaoke
Lounged around in bed all day
Posed nude in front of strangers
Gone scuba diving
Kissed in the rain
Played in the mud
Played in the rain
Gone to a drive-in theater
Visited the Great Wall of China
Started a business
Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
Toured ancient sites
Taken a martial arts class
Played a computer game for more than 6 hours straight
Gotten married
Been in a movie
Crashed a party
Gotten divorced
Gone without food for 5 days
Made cookies from scratch
Won first prize in a costume contest
Ridden a gondola in Venice
Gotten a tattoo
Rafted the Snake River
Been on television news program as an “expert”
Got flowers for no reason
Performed on a stage
Been to Las Vegas
Recorded Music
Eaten shark
Had a one-night stand
Gone to Thailand
Bought a house
Been in a combat zone
Buried one/both of your parents
Been on a cruise ship
Spoken more than one language fluently
Performed in Rocky Horror
Raised children
Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
Picked up and moved to another city
Walked on the Golden Gate Bridge
Sang loudly in the car and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking
Had plastic surgery
Survived an accident that you shouldn’t have
Wrote articles for a large publication
Lost over 100 lbs
Held someone while they were having a flashback
Piloted an airplane
Petted a stingray
Broken someone’s heart
Helped an animal give birth
Won money on a TV game show
Broken a bone
Gone on an African safari
Had a body part below the neck pierced
Fired a rifle, shotgun or pistol
Eaten mushrooms gathered in the wild
Ridden a horse
Had major surgery
Had a snake as a pet
Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
Slept for more than 30 hours over 48 consecutive hours
Visited more foreign countries than US States
Visited all 7 continents
Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
Eaten Kangaroo meat
Eaten sushi
Had your picture in the paper
Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about
Gone back to school
Petted a cockroach
Eaten fried green tomatoes
Read the Illiad
Selected one important author who you missed school to read
Killed and prepared an animal for eating
Skipped all of your school reunions
Communicated with someone without sharing a common language
Been elected to public office
Written your own computer language
Thought to yourself that you’re living your dream
Had to put someone you love in hospice care
Build your own PC from parts
Sold your own artwork to someone that didn’t know it was yours
Had a booth in a street fair
Dyed your hair
Been a DJ
Shaved your head
Caused a car accident
Saved someone’s life

Friday, July 23, 2010

Murderous Rage...

I cannot express how angry and annoyed I am at this moment. The smallest of things are enough to set angers flaring at home. My husband and m.i.l are at their painful best, really getting on my nerves, not being understanding about small things, fighting with me, each because of the other. Why am I paying for these mother-son conflicts? Haven't I had enough in my pre-marriage days with my parents being at loggerheads always?

Give me some peace or Help me God, for I don't know when I will lose control over my calm and collected self! I see blood on my hands if this continues! Ok not that bad... but hey!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Keeping it Simple...

I love you with all my heart baby.... more than I can ever tell you, more than you would ever believe, more than I could ever imagine, more than myself... more than anything else in the world... {barring my mother of course! :) }

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A peak-a-boo into my night turning day...

00.00 hrs - where is the better half? I am sleepy
00.30 hrs - ah where is he... oh suddenly i find Shantaram
01.00 hrs - better half walks in... don't wanna dump Shantaram... sad
01.30 hrs - bliss interspersed with - please... my legs are hurting....
02.00 hrs - cuddling, soft kisses, footsie... a shared quilt
02.30 hrs - my soft snores help him drift away, I am in la la land!
03.00 hrs - dreaming of the werewolves and vampires...lusting?
03.30 hrs - sound asleep happy, happy ending to short lived dream?
04.00 hrs - fast asleep, an elephant wouldn't be able to wake me up
04.30 hrs - I begin talking in my sleep, moving around, not restless...
05.00 hrs - the hour i associate with a maulvi saying his prayers
05.30 hrs - better half is awake... he doesn't sleep well... worried
06.00 hrs - first rays of sun bathe our collective & huddled beings
07.00 hrs - better half begins waking me up... i snort and refuse
07.30 hrs - as fast asleep as 03.30 hrs
08.00 hrs - nudged till i almost fall off. brushes finger against my lips
08.02 hrs - sleepy eyes, i try hard to focus... i see his beatific smile
08.03 hrs - i snuggle closer, bite him for waking me up
08.04 hrs - we are snuggling still... life is good
08.05 hrs - he says "baby please make water hot for my bath"
08.06 hrs - follows it up with "should we shower together"
08.06.02 hrs - i smile ear to ear....

Monday, July 12, 2010

When you make love to me...

I levitate!!!

I feel myself floating away in sheer bliss, I feel light headed, I feel loved, I feel warm, tingly, secure, impish and shy at the same time...I see a billion stars floating around...I feel the brightness of the sun emanating from our entwined bodies... I enjoy watching our shadows mingling on the wall... I love the breathlessness of it all... I love how you fall helpless and spent in my arms...The afterglow... The shy smiles...How you pull me into your arms, a protective maybe protective leg thrown across mine...How you play with my hair and rub my tummy...I aint no laughing Buddha, but maybe some day this would bring us our own little nudger... I love you baby :) and my baby to be....

Why I love ''you'' my husband #98

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Why I love my Hubsand # 99

We went out on Saturday night to a dhaba close home, indulged in some delicious vegetarian fare, some light bubblies, played with our friend's precious baby, laughed our hearts out and packed some delicious (or so we thought) food to take back home and eat. What with the restrictions in place and threats of police cracking down on us, we need to, ridiculous!

Enough transgressing, we go back to our friends place since it still is 11.00 pm, we grab our liquors, I carry the adorable baby girl four flights up and we hit the terrace. What a beautiful night! Starry, cloudy and moon lit. Sigh! We admire the open grounds around us, laced with trees in patches, the high rise buildings next door, even as the boys contemplate the possibilities of the wonders that will appear at the seemingly endless pool of the high rise soon enough.

An hour and more of friendly banter, mush, gurgles, teasers, nudging and pulling legs, sips of vodka, whiskey and breezer, trips to lighten up the bladder and cool breeze in our hair, later, husband suddenly chirps: "My life revolves around M!"

I have a smug and content smile now :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My dear darling husband is such a baby...

He threw such a fit yesterday when I deemed it wrong that he take more than just a lick of my delicious butter scotch, chocolate and nut ice cream, given his sugar levels. I allowed him a shot at mango and vanilla that wasn't that sweet, but put my foot down for this. He was upset as he's the last one to compromise on the quality and taste of food. I felt bad and resigned myself to reading Breaking Dawn in our room, while he lounged around watching movie after movie in the living room, until well past 2.00 am. If I gave in this one time, I knew there would be a repeat as we have similar taste in food. But what would happen if he were with a friend and wanted a bite of chocolate cake or something and I can't stop him? How much can I curb his intake? I don't know but I am fighting this as much as he is. It is painful to watch him take those insulin shots. His body has had more injections going in to it these past 4 weeks than it has had in his entire 27 years of walking this earth.

My baby faced husband is at war and he has me covering his back. But help me God if he wants a bite out of my snack or anothers especially if its forbidden! I will kick some mean ass!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Why I love my husband #100

because he loves me despite my shortcomings, faults and stupidities... i thought i was patient... he is the epitome of it with me! Love him to bits for it!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

sweet sweet sugar...

That's sweet darling husband has just joined 40.9 million other Indians in being inflicted by the friendly sugary monster. I will not let it impair his daily life. Sad that I need to curb what he eats, but will definitely serve truck loads of sweet, sweet love. He is amazing, a fighter at that and shouldn't let this tie him down. My baby, I am here for you always.

P.S: I did cry when he wasn't looking, because he told me, M you must feel cursed to be with a sweet old Sugary husband like me. I laughed and smacked his big broad back to show him I was strong, but then cried my heart out.

I am scared because he has begun losing weight big time, but the good thing is now he has no choice but to cut cigarettes and alcohol from his life and lessen meat consumption, somethings I nag him about incessantly.

Sweet, sweet husband, we will fight this out and when you are stronger and out of this strangling little note of "I have 'D******s' M", we will make sweet little babies who are just like you.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sisters...can't live with or without them...!

Mine gets on my nerves, pinches them bad, makes me want to pull my lustrous hair out, jump up and down in frustration until I've managed to dig up a hole for my frame or just reach out for random things and throw them in all directions apart from hers. I've mastered the art of patience courtesy her - what I was some kind of replacement for Pavlov's dog for her! Who studied Psychology between the two of us you ask? Me Me Me! I should have learned mind control trick or hypnotism along with it to subdue this little menace!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Building Blocks...

Now here's a start...I've managed to create several blogs showcasing several stages in my life, including the part where I began my life as a newly wed bride. Little did I know, that I knew not the 'A' of marriage, how wrong my view point was and how amazing a husband I have. This blog is probably my way of talking things out and more importantly understanding better, cherishing and really valuing the love and care I get from my husband. He's been amazing right from the moment I met him, I just did not realize it, because I've my own idea of what is an ideal and he did not fit that. Sad really. If I was open minded, things wouldn't have taken the ugly turn they did. If it wasn't for his undying love and support I'd now be a fallen woman. Thank you my love... I owe you more than I possibly can think of... Sending silent kisses your way...

What makes a place extra special?

Memories make a place special - so true...

My childhood home

* That favourite corner where I crouched in a comfortable chair, watching the street come alive, under a bright yellow street lamp, fanned by a palm tree, a book in one hand and one finger on the search light mode of my cell phone - this at 2.00 am!

* The cement and alabaster roof that I lay down on counting stars, creating stories as clouds drifted by, whispering secrets to my best friend and yup letching at the neighbourhood hunk!

* The little sit out with a nice little place to sit and stretch them feet, while studying for my board exams, draped in a shawl, holding a hot cup of tea and about 5 notebooks of notes!

* Mom's dresser, a big wonder and interest for a girl who loved make up and bright red lipstick. Wonder why I am averse to it now?

* The racks in the kitchen that were at a height and of major curiosity to me, since that is where mum stored the eatables meant for the times when sis and I behaved or did well at school.

* The steps that led to my tiny garden, sitting on them and basking in the warm and welcome sun of a winter afternoon.

* The garden which I lavishly watered along with myself on the pretext of cleaning dads car! Smell of wet earth - heavenly!

* The balustrade along the staircase which doubled up as my slide.

* The dining room of discussions, debates and fights.

* The store room cupboards where cats gave birth to kittens at least once a year.

* The bedroom where we self styled divas paraded much to moms amusement, the bed which was scene to many pillow fights, teary eyed talks, sarcasm, bickering, paintings, stories and fights over switching the light or fan on or off!

* The bathroom which was my escape when things went out of hand, where I hid to avoid 2.00 am conversations from reaching dad's ears, where I fell asleep listening to my friends latest encounters at an overnight party, a place where I danced and sang my heart out.

My home, my place, my room, my family, my love, my hate, my life, my identity... Me

Thursday, June 3, 2010

madness = genius?

madness is like gravity...all it takes is a little push

Simply brilliant right?

Heath Ledger you have immortalized a channel of varied emotions that is not often recognized in civilized society. I believe there is a method to madness and in madness often you find a hidden genius.

...things you did not know about the 'beautiful disaster' that is me...

1. Something I cannot do but definitely try is touch the tip of my nose with my tongue...everyone in my clan can and I am the only one who can't so the struggle continues! Weird really

2. I've 2 very vampire'y' looking canines... always been obsessed with the 'cold ones' perhaps?

3. I toss and turn around until I find the perfect position to sleep, funnily enough, my husband told me that I usually slept on my tummy and turned out like an Olympic Runner in freeze frame each day, smug smile on the face intact. Guess what? He sleeps the same way ;)

4. My name was apparently going to be Mrudula or Sai Lakshmi, someone even suggested Repu since I am born on Republic Day. Bless my mom she came up with the name that I go by today. Yeah different story, every one has different spelling variations!

5. I love my husband to death and cannot live without him, even though I keep telling him I can, given my fierce independent nature. He is my baby and if do not have one, I wouldn't kill myself over it.

6. Despite last line in Point 5, I would love to be called mummy by a rolly -polly angelic baby girl.

7. Someone told me chewing gum gave you a well defined Jaw line, so I lived on them for years, didn't realize that being skinny I was bound to have them. All that Ache! God... need to go back to those days, my jaw line is merging with the rest of my face!

8. My first ever boy friend took me on our 1st date to a scary movie - Johnny Depp's 'Sleepy Hollow' in the hope that I would scare easy and jump into his arms/lap. Guess who held my hands all through the movie. Thankfully he didn't feed on my nails!

9. I usually walk very fast or very slow and happen to be in contrast to my walking partner always. I've many a times unknowingly left people behind until they pointed it out to me or I've held some one unknown's hand in thinking that I caught up to my friend or had intimate conversations with complete strangers. Gosh!

10. I wear a size 4 shoe, I shop in the kiddies section much to the embarrassment of the better half!

11. When I hear a song I like, I can listen to it over and over without tiring of it. I will usually sing along if no one else is around since I know people are easily annoyed by it.

12. I loved to climb trees and jump terraces when I was a kid. Surprisingly this Jill did not tumble nor have a great fall.

13. I was a complete tom boy and had only male friends right until college. I wore plaid shirts and slipped into boots even, till I was introduced to the concept of Salon and feminine dressing by my ex. I wondered always what he saw in me until it was a year into our relationship. By God I was a babe ;)

14. My best childhood friend is still very close to me. We plan on marrying my daughter to be to her her son that is.

15. I am so passionate about cricket that in my sleep all I can talk about it is the game and mostly I am cheering someone on or telling some cricketing great how to play a game! Imagine... doesn't help my case that I played for the college team and did not go on to the state team because of a Hitler like dad.

17. I've always tried to emulate lefties when I heard they were born geniuses. Failed miserably! Chicken scrawl of my right hand looked like perfected calligraphy next to it.

19. I've broken many a heart and feel miserable about it. I wish I could say sorry to all of them.

20. I want to turn vegetarian some day! Not just to lose weight.

21. I earned my measly pocket money as a kid by cleaning and polishing dad's formal shoes, and the regular and sports shoes that sis and I wore to school.

22. Cricket was the only sport that interested me. I hated games period because girls and boys had separate areas for play and activities and they always played cricket and girls just well did girlie things!

23. I would like to write a book someday.

24. I've lived in Bangalore for my entire life almost and never ventured outside of it until I joined the company I am in. Being a travel company I was very surprised they hired me since I did not know any city except Bangalore.

24. My head is longish and more an elongated rectangle square than round at the back. Apparently no matter how many times I was placed on my back as a baby, I would turn and sleep on my side - mom's explanation!

25. I like doing absolutely nothing sometimes.

26. I am amazing with spellings and love watching spelling bee programmes to see if I match up to the best!

27. I've come second in an all India painting competition and still proudly display the certificate and goodie bag I got along with it to people who come home.

28. I was called 'Sexy Pepsi' in school even though there was nothing sexy about me. My best friend gave me this nick name as a take on my then addiction to Pepsi and svelte figure (back then - let me remind you).

29. I learned how to drive with my dad sitting at the back, more from him than my instructor. One day he yelled so much at me, I left the vehicle mid road and took a rickshaw back home, never going back to them lessons.

30. I am amazing at parking - dad said so!

31. I plan on getting a tattoo of my baby's face on the blade just below my shoulder.

32. I've worn the same watch for 9 years.

33. I loved creating shadow dramas on the wall next to my bed at night. The large windows facing the wall helped fire creative ideas.

34. There is always music playing on my cell phone be it radio or play lists when I am travelling to work. Helps me keep calm and collect myself.

35. I took my first drag of a cigarette when I was down with chicken pox and miserably bored. Dad was the culprit who gave me the drag. P.S he gave me my first taste of alcohol even!

36. I love the smell of wet earth!

37. I love sleeping on the left side of the bed always... wonder why.

38. I have 3 scars on my forehead, shaped like a trident and my sister had hand in inflicting all three of them in separate instances. Wonder if she was trying to kill me...;) naw!

39. I played fairy god mother in the norm Cinderella drama in high school. Bummer was that I forgot to tell the girl to come home before midnight and the pin at the end of my wand refused to burst the balloon for a pumpkin which would then bring her the men who were to take her ride to the palace.

40. I should have been a masseuse going by the amount of times in a day I'm asked to help ease someone's knots or just make the Better Half feel loved and special and yeah relaxed!

41. We had to sweep our individual classrooms in class VII - X. A boy and girl paired up naturally because the boy would lift all these heavy benches and the girl coughed more than she swept the dust away.

42. I am scared about learning to swim since a horizontally challenged lady landed on me following her cruise down the slide, just I was floundering and recovering from my ride!

43. I hate ketchup sauce or anything that has tomato in it. I however am partial to tomato chutney! Go figure.

44. I scared good old sis with stories of monsters under our bed at night, so she wouldn't wake me up every 2 hours to take a loo break.

45. I hate it when people cheat in a game (be it pictionary, dumb charades or scrabble).

46. I cannot ride a bike to save my life.

47. I've slept for 24 hours in a row one day.

48. I woke up at 6 am every morning right until I finished college. Now try waking me up before 8.30. I am Groucho Max!

49. For the voice I have, I was surprisingly part of the award winning school choir.

50. A famous RJ once told me that I've a bedroom'y' voice and would be an asset to the show that is on at night. Yeah so that did not take off as a career prospect. I did bag a lot of voice overs and recordings though.

51. When dancing as the male lead in 'Gaaliad Saangli Soniachi' a Goan peppy number in high school, I managed to help my female lead get out of her saree by invariably stepping on the pleats each time we came close in a step.

52. I scored 13 for my written test to get my driver's license, the cop made me pass just because I'd the loveliest dimples he'd seen apparently.

53. My husband and I were best friends in the one year that we were together in the same school. I met him several years later on Orkut and when we did meet in person, he rubbed me the wrong way and I did not want to see him again - 3 weeks later we were a couple. I am grateful we are!

54. I used to go lie down on the terrace and look up at the sky to think, clear my mind or just relax. Forming patterns in the clouds was a favourite hobby.

55. I believed strongly that if you caught sight of a single star in the sky (in the evenings) and made a wish on it, it would come true, just because one did.

56. In school, I managed to get a big bully suspended from school for bringing a dagger to school. Yeah so then for the next 3 years he obsessed over me and even had the gall to tell my shocked mother that he wanted to marry me.

57. I can get along with almost anyone if I put my mind to it.

58. I always leave the toilet seat down at home and a once irritated husband has now made peace with this.

59. I love sleeping on my husbands arm each night and the poor fellow is scared shit about taking my pillow away from me, even though he knows an elephant walking past, trumpheting loudly wouldn't wake me up. Such a darling!

60. KFC's zinger burger is my soul food!

61. I was made a 20 round run around the school ground for being late and couldn't walk or stand for 4 days after that. One girl fainted even and then the punishment was eased by the principal, when mom gave her hell! Mom love you!

62. I know jack shit about Insurance, but cleared the exam with 74% despite zilch preparation. This was to help the better half achieve some goals. He was proud of me!

63. I was always the teams spin bowler and big hitter. Given my stature it was hard for anyone to believe.

64. I am scared of falling down and hurting my face always, when on a bike ride or running around home.

65. My blood type is a constant reminder to B+

66. I cannot bargain for nuts! I will argue but give in eventually.

67. I love cats absolutely and better half hates them. He loves dogs and we plan on adopting one soon. I've reached an agreement with him that I would only pamper the canine nothing more, since I wasn't allowed a feline!

68. I've learned both British and American accents.

69. I love to dance in the shower and sing of course in full volume.

70. Dad brought me a love bird when I was a kid. The tiny yellow rings that appeared around its eyes after some days, led me to think that she was sad at being caged and therefore begged him to release her which he kindly did.

71. I love talking about relationships and work, being a psychology student I guess fuels my patience and ability to help people out.

72. I love wearing heels, they give me the much needed height, good posture and confidence that I otherwise lack.

73. I can keep a constant grin on my face and not have my muscles tire at all.

74. I make generous use of smileys in emails, text messages and chats. People think I am a happy person, yeah guilty as declared!

75. My best friend at work stopped talking to me suddenly and I am finding it very difficult to keep myself from thinking about why she did especially since I wasn't offered any reasons!

76. My husband and I have been lovers in our previous births and death of either one of us has caused us to be reborn and re-enter each others lives according to a very good astrologer from God's Own Country. I'd like to believe the Janam Janam Ka Saath Concept not the death caused rebirth and reunion bit!

77. I always wanted to marry a dimpled man, so my kids had a better chance of having them to. We are 50% there, since Better Half has gorgeous dimples, now my baby needs to have them too!

78. I love mum, husband, sister, in laws and work in that order.

79. I stopped believing in God after I saw no relief in the fights and cold wars my parents had from the time I came to understand things right until today, despite my religious prayers each and every day at a temple, at a gurudwara and a church.

80. I married into a religious family and my mother in law doesn't like the fact that I am an Atheist.

81. I do small little things like tie my hair up, wear a bindi, adorn both hands with bangles all the time, irrespective of my clothing and previously free spirited nature to live up to at least some of the expectations the traditional family has from their married daughters and daughter in laws.

82. I love applying sindoor on my fore head each morning and love it even more if the better half does it for me.

83. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee movies... absolutely love them. Obsessed with English comedy series like Friends, 2 1/2 Men and Scrubs. So much so I can watch repeat telecasts and mouth dialogues without batting an eyelid.

84. I penned many poems for the Better Half when we were courting, for the past 2 years, I've hit a bad writer's block. Pray it melts away. I miss writing stuff for him.

85. I want to name my baby girl Ashima or Bhairavi and if it is a boy then Shiven.

86. Once I'd a all black ward robe. Mom decided to take matters into hand and now I've all possible colours under the rainbow in my wardrobe. Husband's wardrobe has become my pet project too and he now has some colours he would have otherwise not dreamt of wearing. Looks delectable in them of course!

87. I love flowers and each month, the love of my life gave me a bunch of 31 roses for the 1st year of our courting on the date, we officially became a couple. 9th October 2006 to be precise.

88. I've pitch black hair that refuses to behave, refuses to be coloured and thankfully refuses to gray!

89. I am very good at predicting the Bad Guy in Thriller / Mystery movies. Comes from my childhood obsession with Agatha Christie perhaps. Never liked them M & B's. Read one and that was the end of it.

90. I can be blank literally and not thinking anything! Maybe that is why I have '0' stress and no grays?

91. I love Calvin & Hobbes - the imagination of the creator is simply mind boggling. I've a website link to the entire series and I never tire going through it if I need a instant 'pick me up.'

92. If I Had A Lot Of Money I’d skip the 'Miss Universe / Miss Earth / Miss 'Who gives a damn!' statements - secure my children's future.

93. On being challenged, I downed 4 pitchers of beer one after the other, now you know why I slept for 24 hours straight!

94. There are books I can finish in 4-5 hours even if they are 800 pages long and still remember the story and then there are books that I cannot finish even a year down the line, forget their being less than 500 pages long!

95. 'Liquid Music' is a word combination I love... creates so many images in my head! I thought I came up with it, until Channel V came up with a programme by the same name! Talk about copy rights issue!

96. I'd like to term myself a 'beautiful disaster' following the many mishaps I've cornered myself into.

97. My greatest compliment yet coming from my not so generous with them sister: Man you have patience and calmness of a saint. Bet you can live with Bin Laden in a cave for years and change him into you!'

98. I am a walking talking oxy-moron. Love this about me!

99. Communicating verbally is sometimes difficult for me. My brain and mouth do not work in co-ordination with each other. I prefer writing things.

100. My feet are always cold. They would have been an Eskimos’ in their previous birth. They are frozen solid every single time I touch them. The rest of me feels very hot no matter what time of the year. I have to have the fan / a.c on.

There is your walking talking oxy-moron for a woman, namely me!

Babies and more!

The BH (Better Half) and I are trying quite hard literally to have a baby... and what does it do to our collective psyches to see adorable new borns being carried around by their parents...oooh that just is salt in our well...ummm for lack of a better word... wounds....

Being the official child bearer in the duo that is US, I receive those endless nudges, ladles of ghee each night, tips and nuskhas from the oldies, the whole melodrama about how we can't afford a child's education in a year or two, how I am 28 and definitely pushing my luck by not becoming a mother now, how I should cheat the BH and not use them pills, suggestive tummy rubs and adorable baby clothes that someone couldn't resist buying...come on your child is 10 and wouldn't fit into it! I know what you were trying to do... ok ok... enough already...

But what happens to two grown up adults who have a good life and jobs that pay quite well, when they see a beautiful, beautiful baby?

Well... the BH and I turn into pure scheming wannabe kidnappers, who want nothing more than making her our own right here, right now....

Say a little prayer for me ....

Monday, March 8, 2010

Building Blocks...

Now here's a start...I've managed to create several blogs showcasing several stages in my life, including the part where I began my life as a newly wed bride. Little did I know, that I knew not the 'A' of marriage, how wrong my view point was and how amazing a husband I have. This blog is probably my way of talking things out and more importantly understanding better, cherishing and really valuing the love and care I get from my husband. He's been amazing right from the moment I met him, I just did not realize it, because I've my own idea of what is an ideal and he did not fit that. Sad really. If I was open minded, things wouldn't have taken the ugly turn they did. If it wasn't for his undying love and support I'd now be a fallen woman. Thank you my love... I owe you more than I possibly can think of... Sending silent kisses your way...