Friday, July 23, 2010

Murderous Rage...

I cannot express how angry and annoyed I am at this moment. The smallest of things are enough to set angers flaring at home. My husband and m.i.l are at their painful best, really getting on my nerves, not being understanding about small things, fighting with me, each because of the other. Why am I paying for these mother-son conflicts? Haven't I had enough in my pre-marriage days with my parents being at loggerheads always?

Give me some peace or Help me God, for I don't know when I will lose control over my calm and collected self! I see blood on my hands if this continues! Ok not that bad... but hey!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Keeping it Simple...

I love you with all my heart baby.... more than I can ever tell you, more than you would ever believe, more than I could ever imagine, more than myself... more than anything else in the world... {barring my mother of course! :) }

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A peak-a-boo into my night turning day...

00.00 hrs - where is the better half? I am sleepy
00.30 hrs - ah where is he... oh suddenly i find Shantaram
01.00 hrs - better half walks in... don't wanna dump Shantaram... sad
01.30 hrs - bliss interspersed with - please... my legs are hurting....
02.00 hrs - cuddling, soft kisses, footsie... a shared quilt
02.30 hrs - my soft snores help him drift away, I am in la la land!
03.00 hrs - dreaming of the werewolves and vampires...lusting?
03.30 hrs - sound asleep happy, happy ending to short lived dream?
04.00 hrs - fast asleep, an elephant wouldn't be able to wake me up
04.30 hrs - I begin talking in my sleep, moving around, not restless...
05.00 hrs - the hour i associate with a maulvi saying his prayers
05.30 hrs - better half is awake... he doesn't sleep well... worried
06.00 hrs - first rays of sun bathe our collective & huddled beings
07.00 hrs - better half begins waking me up... i snort and refuse
07.30 hrs - as fast asleep as 03.30 hrs
08.00 hrs - nudged till i almost fall off. brushes finger against my lips
08.02 hrs - sleepy eyes, i try hard to focus... i see his beatific smile
08.03 hrs - i snuggle closer, bite him for waking me up
08.04 hrs - we are snuggling still... life is good
08.05 hrs - he says "baby please make water hot for my bath"
08.06 hrs - follows it up with "should we shower together"
08.06.02 hrs - i smile ear to ear....

Monday, July 12, 2010

When you make love to me...

I levitate!!!

I feel myself floating away in sheer bliss, I feel light headed, I feel loved, I feel warm, tingly, secure, impish and shy at the same time...I see a billion stars floating around...I feel the brightness of the sun emanating from our entwined bodies... I enjoy watching our shadows mingling on the wall... I love the breathlessness of it all... I love how you fall helpless and spent in my arms...The afterglow... The shy smiles...How you pull me into your arms, a protective maybe protective leg thrown across mine...How you play with my hair and rub my tummy...I aint no laughing Buddha, but maybe some day this would bring us our own little nudger... I love you baby :) and my baby to be....

Why I love ''you'' my husband #98

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Why I love my Hubsand # 99

We went out on Saturday night to a dhaba close home, indulged in some delicious vegetarian fare, some light bubblies, played with our friend's precious baby, laughed our hearts out and packed some delicious (or so we thought) food to take back home and eat. What with the restrictions in place and threats of police cracking down on us, we need to, ridiculous!

Enough transgressing, we go back to our friends place since it still is 11.00 pm, we grab our liquors, I carry the adorable baby girl four flights up and we hit the terrace. What a beautiful night! Starry, cloudy and moon lit. Sigh! We admire the open grounds around us, laced with trees in patches, the high rise buildings next door, even as the boys contemplate the possibilities of the wonders that will appear at the seemingly endless pool of the high rise soon enough.

An hour and more of friendly banter, mush, gurgles, teasers, nudging and pulling legs, sips of vodka, whiskey and breezer, trips to lighten up the bladder and cool breeze in our hair, later, husband suddenly chirps: "My life revolves around M!"

I have a smug and content smile now :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My dear darling husband is such a baby...

He threw such a fit yesterday when I deemed it wrong that he take more than just a lick of my delicious butter scotch, chocolate and nut ice cream, given his sugar levels. I allowed him a shot at mango and vanilla that wasn't that sweet, but put my foot down for this. He was upset as he's the last one to compromise on the quality and taste of food. I felt bad and resigned myself to reading Breaking Dawn in our room, while he lounged around watching movie after movie in the living room, until well past 2.00 am. If I gave in this one time, I knew there would be a repeat as we have similar taste in food. But what would happen if he were with a friend and wanted a bite of chocolate cake or something and I can't stop him? How much can I curb his intake? I don't know but I am fighting this as much as he is. It is painful to watch him take those insulin shots. His body has had more injections going in to it these past 4 weeks than it has had in his entire 27 years of walking this earth.

My baby faced husband is at war and he has me covering his back. But help me God if he wants a bite out of my snack or anothers especially if its forbidden! I will kick some mean ass!