We went out on Saturday night to a dhaba close home, indulged in some delicious vegetarian fare, some light bubblies, played with our friend's precious baby, laughed our hearts out and packed some delicious (or so we thought) food to take back home and eat. What with the restrictions in place and threats of police cracking down on us, we need to, ridiculous!
Enough transgressing, we go back to our friends place since it still is 11.00 pm, we grab our liquors, I carry the adorable baby girl four flights up and we hit the terrace. What a beautiful night! Starry, cloudy and moon lit. Sigh! We admire the open grounds around us, laced with trees in patches, the high rise buildings next door, even as the boys contemplate the possibilities of the wonders that will appear at the seemingly endless pool of the high rise soon enough.
An hour and more of friendly banter, mush, gurgles, teasers, nudging and pulling legs, sips of vodka, whiskey and breezer, trips to lighten up the bladder and cool breeze in our hair, later, husband suddenly chirps: "My life revolves around M!"
I have a smug and content smile now :)
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