00.00 hrs - where is the better half? I am sleepy
00.30 hrs - ah where is he... oh suddenly i find Shantaram
01.00 hrs - better half walks in... don't wanna dump Shantaram... sad
01.30 hrs - bliss interspersed with - please... my legs are hurting....
02.00 hrs - cuddling, soft kisses, footsie... a shared quilt
02.30 hrs - my soft snores help him drift away, I am in la la land!
03.00 hrs - dreaming of the werewolves and vampires...lusting?
03.30 hrs - sound asleep happy, happy ending to short lived dream?
04.00 hrs - fast asleep, an elephant wouldn't be able to wake me up
04.30 hrs - I begin talking in my sleep, moving around, not restless...
05.00 hrs - the hour i associate with a maulvi saying his prayers
05.30 hrs - better half is awake... he doesn't sleep well... worried
06.00 hrs - first rays of sun bathe our collective & huddled beings
07.00 hrs - better half begins waking me up... i snort and refuse
07.30 hrs - as fast asleep as 03.30 hrs
08.00 hrs - nudged till i almost fall off. brushes finger against my lips
08.02 hrs - sleepy eyes, i try hard to focus... i see his beatific smile
08.03 hrs - i snuggle closer, bite him for waking me up
08.04 hrs - we are snuggling still... life is good
08.05 hrs - he says "baby please make water hot for my bath"
08.06 hrs - follows it up with "should we shower together"
08.06.02 hrs - i smile ear to ear....
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