Memories make a place special - so true...
My childhood home
* That favourite corner where I crouched in a comfortable chair, watching the street come alive, under a bright yellow street lamp, fanned by a palm tree, a book in one hand and one finger on the search light mode of my cell phone - this at 2.00 am!
* The cement and alabaster roof that I lay down on counting stars, creating stories as clouds drifted by, whispering secrets to my best friend and yup letching at the neighbourhood hunk!
* The little sit out with a nice little place to sit and stretch them feet, while studying for my board exams, draped in a shawl, holding a hot cup of tea and about 5 notebooks of notes!
* Mom's dresser, a big wonder and interest for a girl who loved make up and bright red lipstick. Wonder why I am averse to it now?
* The racks in the kitchen that were at a height and of major curiosity to me, since that is where mum stored the eatables meant for the times when sis and I behaved or did well at school.
* The steps that led to my tiny garden, sitting on them and basking in the warm and welcome sun of a winter afternoon.
* The garden which I lavishly watered along with myself on the pretext of cleaning dads car! Smell of wet earth - heavenly!
* The balustrade along the staircase which doubled up as my slide.
* The dining room of discussions, debates and fights.
* The store room cupboards where cats gave birth to kittens at least once a year.
* The bedroom where we self styled divas paraded much to moms amusement, the bed which was scene to many pillow fights, teary eyed talks, sarcasm, bickering, paintings, stories and fights over switching the light or fan on or off!
* The bathroom which was my escape when things went out of hand, where I hid to avoid 2.00 am conversations from reaching dad's ears, where I fell asleep listening to my friends latest encounters at an overnight party, a place where I danced and sang my heart out.
My home, my place, my room, my family, my love, my hate, my life, my identity... Me
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