'Our Story'goes back to when we were a pair of gawky teenagers, who were inseperable friends in our 10th standard class.He was the typical shy, completely bullied, puppy eyed darling, while I was the 'then towering' lady 'goonda' of the class, bullying all those who bugged this quite, croaking voice, dimpled character into a quiet corner of our dimly lit class room.
School life came to an end and unfortunately so did our year long friendship (don't quite like that word friendship, following all those cheesy 'i wanna make friendship with you' messages I get on Orkut.
Oh but I do like Orkut :) because almost 9 years later, it brought him back into my life...sigh :)
But I guess we'd moved on, or atleast I thought I did, since I did not really make an effort to keep in touch with him, send him my number, reply to his scraps. He continued to - God bless his relentless soul! We finally met up at the insistance of a common friend and 2 hours later, I did not want to have anything to do with him. The shy kid I knew grew up to be a dashing, full of attitude hunk, who sped around in his red wheels and played music I loved :( He ignored me for a good part of those 2 hours and letched at the skimpily clad women who were parading around Coffee Day. He even left our friend, his wife and me to pick up the tab and took off after receiving a call from what sounded like a husky ****h on heat to me! Maybe it was just that emotion called jealousy playing tricks on me, because Dang! he was hot!
Things cooled off a bit since I'd gotten busy with work and he was travelling. I was in a relationship that was pretty much over since one, he took off to the Himalayas (maybe I'm the one who sent him packing with my incoherent nonsense) and two, mom who generally is cool about my male friends put her foot down on this one. Nursing my scrapped independent wounded soul, I sought solace in a job I hated. Then just when I thought I was going to die single (ok I am exaggerating, there were atleast 4 men vying for my attention at the same time - not exaggerating this time), fate smiled at me :)
That common friend had his birthday bash (a month and a half later), in coffee day again this time and well my new found ex friend and I were in a world of our own all through this social gathering, we even brought our first gift for our friend and wrote our names on the tag together. The gift btw was a bone for this friend whom we fondly call bulldog - if you were to solely go by his looks. Mean us!
That day on, him and I were inseperable, it was as if that piece of birthday message paper was us signing our fates together forever...We'd go out every day in the morning and in the evenings and after a while if that wasn't enough, we started bunking work to be with each other.
Around the same time, mum had begun groom hunting for me. Her entire clan was working overtime to get me married. Heaps of proposals poured in, since my mother for most part of it and the women in her family were known for their beauty, good nature, homeliness and cooking skills. Well I managed to inherit bits and pieces of these qualities, but the family name drew proposals like moth to a flame. It was fun going through the wedding resumes (God! how I laughed at that one) only did not realize hubby to be wasn't enjoying that one bit. Mum and dad finally decided on a typical Mallu boy settled in the Middle East, doing very well for himself. My horoscope was scanned so that I could send it across to him.
I remember that day when mum and I set out to send an email to the boy in question. Hubby to be called me and asked if I wanted to ride with him on his bullet. I jumped at the offer but did not tell mum. He came over right as we were stepping out and told mum that he would take me and she shouldn't take the trouble of walking down to the browsing centre. With a suspicious look she sent us packing with atleast five promises extorted from me to send the scanned file.
The dutiful daughter that I am, I had him stop in front of the nearest browsing centre so I could do the deed. He just followed me in and before I could request what I'd gone there for, he twirled me around and asked me whether I really wanted to send it. I thought for a bit and then pulled him out along with my torn self.
I wasn't sure about what to make of this, but let it go, since I felt he might be supporting the 'I wanna work and be independent' rebellious soldier inside my small and harmless looking frame.
Should continue this later, need to get my lazy butt working, since IPL begins in less than 45 minutes.
U know, i kept hoping it wasn't you!!
ReplyDeletehugs babe...its high time u learnt to say no babe...now don't go... I know!!!
hugs and take care...
Hey ur story seems intrestin.. kinda masala bollywood movie.. This was really a refreshin blog after those heavy malodrama (sorry i cudnt remember a possitive word). N yea.. u both luk good togetha (even in da polaried pic :P).
ReplyDeleteI wanna go thru the rest of ur story so post it soon..
I am also in luv wid this gal frm last 3 years n we r plannin to get married soon. I will surely take care she never face ne diff as u r facin.. As shez also frm diff background.. actually different relegion :P
N u knw wot sometimes we guyz dont knw dat our wifes/gf's are havin such diff cuz they dont let it out.. n we r so stupid dat if they let it out n speak.. sometimes we r buzy or occupied wid somethin dat we think u r complainin n even shout at u.. I have felt this a lot f times in my relationship..
But all said n done.. Lettin ur emotions n thoughts out to ur loved ones is very imp. I hope u both will speak bout ur situation n go forward to make a correct decesion.
Hope things will be better n happier n easy for u both..
God Bless...
N bout u breakin ur post cuz f IPL.. i knw u r a cricket freak.. cuz i landed on ur blog thru FakeIPLPlayer's blog :P
ReplyDeleteActually hez more interestin den ipl dis year...
Hey Ankush,
ReplyDelete:) that was a really long comment.. and true... i think everything that happens with me is fultoo filmy only. Glad to hear that my blog is refreshing :) and that my hubby and I make a good pair ;)I will write more soon... when I have time... won't be long since he's gonna begin working on weekends and then I will be back to what I do best - write ;)
Congratulations on your commitment and yeah .... do resolve minor things about how your family life is on a day to day basis, make sure both your family and she are comfortable with each others daily rituals, customs and also behaviour patterns, since unknown territory can be unnerving for them both and trust me you will be at the receiving end... so prepare yourselves really well.
Make sure you keep your communication channels with her open all the time, even if you've had a long day, spend 10 mins before you hit the sack to see how things were with her... she might not tell you, but learn to read between the lines or her body language :) i am sure you will do fine, you seem like a nice and sensitive bloke :)
And while the IPL is over, the FakeIPLPlayer isn't through.. with the T20 WC coming up, i am looking forward to some more bashing from this guy. I loved his writing totally! complete masala!